This introductory overview of printed-circuit design treats the main difficulties you will likely meet when planning, designing, and manufacturing printed circuit boards for digital applications. From this lecture you will take away many nuggets of wisdom concerning manufacturing technology, signal integrity, EMI, power quality, thermal analysis, and project management.
Doba trvání: 50 minut
Interference Technology
This webinar looks at what microvia board techniques are now available, and how they can be used to help achieve good EMC whilst reducing costs and getting to market more quickly.
Doba trvání: 52 minut
Interference Technology
This webinar covers PCB design techniques that will reduce their emissions and increase their immunity. In particular, how to get good plane meshes under them, and how to deal with their multiple power planes.
Doba trvání: 59 minut
Interference Technology
The webinar describes a simple, easy non-mathematical engineering understanding of the physical underpinning of electromagnetics leads directly to design techniques for EMC that save time and money overall, improve product functional performance, increase profitability and reduce financial risks.
Doba trvání: 1 hodina 3 minuty
Interference Technology
This webinar – number 2 in a series of 3 – describes a simple, easy non-mathematical engineering understanding of the physical underpinning of electromagnetics. This understanding leads directly to EMC design techniques that have been proven many times in real-life.
Doba trvání: 58 minut
Interference Technology
This webinar – number 2 in a series of 3 – describes a simple, easy non-mathematical engineering understanding of the physical underpinning of electromagnetics. This understanding leads directly to EMC design techniques that have been proven many times in real-life.
Doba trvání: 1 hodina