česky english Vítejte, dnes je sobota 18. leden 2025


Experience BluePrint's Cutting-Edge Technology

DownStream Technologies

Now is the time to truly experience BluePrint-PCB. It's a revolutionary solution to address all your PCB documentation needs. And now with Release 6 it is even more remarkable.

  • 3D visualization and documentation of manufacturing data allowing users to minimize manufacturing defects and delays in production
  • A newly designed user interface common across all DownStream products
  • A common database between all DownStream products so data can be shared seamlessly
  • Technology and support for 64 bit

We created a truly integrated 2D/3D environment for improved PCB post processing. BluePrint-PCB 6.0 designed to automate, streamline and dramatically improve PCB Documentation.

Datum: 14. 10. 2020 - 15:00 SELČ (60 minut)
Date: October 14, 2020 - 6:00AM PDT | 9:00AM EDT | 3:00PM CEST (60 minutes)


Experience our Cutting-Edge Technology

DownStream Technologies

Haven't seen CAM350/DFMStream in a while? Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate this software solution. With the revolutionary changes in Release 14 you'll experience:

  • 3D visualization and documentation of manufacturing data
  • Completely new and streamlined user interface for CAM350/DFMStream
  • Improved management and execution of all DFM analysis functions
  • Seamless sharing of data among all DownStream products with our common database
  • Support for 64 bit, as well as so much more

We created a truly integrated 2D/3D environment for improved PCB post processing. CAM350/DFMStream is designed to analyze, verify, and optimize a PCB design for successful fabrication.

Datum: 13. 10. 2020 - 15:00 SELČ (60 minut)
Date: October 13, 2020 - 6:00AM PDT | 9:00AM EDT | 3:00PM CEST (60 minutes)


BluePrint-PCB Webinar

DownStream Technologies

Datum: 5. 8. 2021 – 15:00 SELČ | Date: August 5, 2021 - 3:00 pm CEST


CAM350/DFMStream Webinar

DownStream Technologies

Datum: 4. 8. 2021 – 15:00 SELČ | Date: August 4, 2021 - 3:00 pm CEST


AMPER 2020





SEMINÁŘ „Elektronické součástky a aplikace @ AMPER 2020“ BYL ZRUŠEN

Důvodem je přesunutí veletrhu AMPER 2020 na rok 2021




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